Effective Business Writing Skills
$3080 INC GST
With over forty-five years’ experience, John Harman is an accomplished, professional writer working as a ghost-writer, speechwriter, scriptwriter, writing mentor, and facilitator of both creative and straightforward writing skills for business executives and public service personnel.
John has lectured at the University of Cambridge Board of Continuing Education, and the University of California Summer Schools. In Australia, he has taught for the University of Western Australia, Edith Cowan University, the Fellowship of Australian Writers, Katharine Susannah Prichard Writers’ Centre, and the WA State Literature Centre. John has presented at the CPA Australia Congress 2016 & 2017 on 'Writing Readable Reports”, facilitated a series of workshops on business writing in plain English in all capital cities on behalf of Telstra, and continues to present and facilitate various workshops at many libraries and writer's groups in Perth and regional WA.
John has assisted organisations across a variety of sectors and offers training for executives and staff in implementing plain, simple English to achieve high impact and instant understanding. Just some of the major organisations John has assisted over the years include Telstra, Rio Tinto, Woodside, Wesfarmers, Stantec, GHD and Metrix. In addition, Federal Government agencies (Dept of Justice, CSIRO, NIAA), State Government (WA Parliament, Dept of Premier & Cabinet, Dept of Treasury, DFES, Dept of Health, Dept of Education, Public Transport Auth, Director of Public Prosecutions), various local government agencies, and major NGOs have also utilised John’s skills and knowledge in developing and supporting their people and business.
John’s areas of expertise include effective writing for business communication, report writing skills, presenting with confidence, improving creativity, speed reading and comprehension, fundamental grammar and punctuation basics, and effective communication and interpersonal skills.