Category: Adult Education and Training

Nov 02
The Role of the Team Leader in a Workshop: Do’s and Don’ts

“As Team Leader, what is my role during a facilitated workshop for my team?” You’ve…

Sep 28
Who decides who is an ‘Expert’ ?

Although I have immersed myself in powerful presenting for over 30 years, I recently…

Apr 29
Making your training and team building accessible for everyone

We work in a very diverse environments where each one of us is unique and has…

Mar 22
How to Ensure that your Learning Strategy is Aligned to your Corporate Strategy

Business leaders, managers and owners are often conflicted when making decisions on…

Feb 02
Ready-Set-Go-Show for Effective Training

In the early part of my career, I worked as National Training Manager for two retail…

Jan 13
Are you a Trainer or Facilitator, or Both?

As you read this article, think about how the terms ‘trainer’ and ‘facilitator’ are…

Apr 24
Converting your face to face content into successful online learning

If you’re an organisation, practitioner or a subject matter expert in your field,…

Jan 17
The 4 Key Components of Quality Learning Materials

This new online learning explosion; awesome, isn’t it? The ability to learn anything,…

Dec 15
What to consider before digitalising your learning content

More and more so, organisations and professionals are seeing the benefits of…