About the coach
Professional background
As a qualified performance, health and wellness coach, Ruth works with individuals and groups to improve performance and address underlying issues with stress management, work/life balance, communication, and other issues.
Many companies understand the importance of having a healthy and content workforce – a workforce made up of people who have balance in their work and personal lives, so that they are able to sleep well, get enough exercise, and manage their stress accordingly.
As a coach, Ruth has worked with individuals and teams in some of Australia’s largest companies across Oceania for over 8 years. Many employees struggle with creating balance between work and home life and several sessions of wellness coaching can help them to find the balance they need to have better health and wellbeing, and better connection and performance at work.
Ruth is accredited as a professional wellness coach with Health Coaches Australia and New Zealand Association (HCANZA), and I am also a member of the Meditation Association of Australia. Companies I have provided coaching to include: Commonwealth Bank of Australia, Paxus, Australian Ethical Investment, and Nature Care College.
Coaching process
Ongoing coaching can run from 6 weeks to 1 to several years, with meetings every 2 weeks to once a month.
1. Initial on-boarding questionnaire/assessment.
2. First session of 60-90 minutes one-to-one coaching. In this session a vision and strategy for change is workshopped to ensure you are emotionally and logically connected to your over-arching goal.
3. Next, a step through of a personalised framework of goal-setting and strategy is completed. Personal and situational obstacles impeding success is explored and solutions are strategised to overcome barriers to change. From there, a personal framework is created and the coachee walks away with a plan for lasting change.
4. Ongoing sessions review and adjust goals as needed and deal with barriers that arise throughout the process.
5. Final session summarises and allows for reflection of the change that has taken place and where the coachee plans to go next.
Coaching achievements and results
Ruth often works with teams on a one-to-one basis – team members sign up for an allocated time slot. Ruth also works with leaders who would like to improve performance by improving their health and wellbeing.
Often, She works with clients who have already attempted behaviour change with support from leadership, but are still not performing to expectations and require a more in-depth approach and support from a coach in order to create better work-life balance.
Past Clients
Ruth has worked with employees across industries. Some successful outcomes include:
- Assisting an employee to move from working part-time from home, to transitioning back to full-time employment in the office (2018).
- Working with a client to identify opportunities to practice self care while managing a demanding workload and severe personal issues.
- Helping a manager allocate more time to exercise, while continuing to work on a demanding long-term project, leading to a promotion for the individual while maintaining her health and wellbeing.
Companies I’ve worked with:
- Australia Ethical Investment
- Commonwealth Bank
- Nature Care College
- Paxus
- Coaching Services
- Qualifications and Memberships
- Recommended Engagement & Price
Leadership or specialist coach: Specialist
Coaching specialties: Change Management, Emotional Intelligence, Developing High Performing Teams
Industry experience: Professional Services, Government
Assessment tools: Initial Wellness Questionnaire, VIA Character Strengths Test, PERMA Assessment, Optimism Test, General Happiness Scale, Others relevant to each client
Delivery method: Virtually, Face to Face
Individual or group: Both
Tertiary Qualifications
- Post Graduate Diploma International Public Health
- Bachelor of Arts (Psychology/Art History)
Coaching Qualifications and Professional Memberships
- Level 3 Wellness Coaching Certification for Allied Health Professionals
- Masters level Biomedical Meditation Therapy and Allied Health
Recommended Engagement
- 1 sessions x 1.5 hours delivered fortnightly
- From $500 inc. GSTp/h