About the coach
Professional background
Lauren is a Psychologist with 20 years of experience as a coach, therapist and facilitator. Across her career, she has provided interventions to individuals and groups throughout Australian and internationally. Prior to having her own consultancy, Lauren held leadership roles in Culture Change Consulting and Executive Education. She also ran her own successful private therapy practice for many years.
Coaching process
Lauren assists leaders to develop both the intrapersonal and interpersonal factors that contribute to great leadership. She believes that improving self-awareness and better managing mental health variables are fundamental skills for leaders. She assists leaders to show up as the best version of themselves through employing a range of psychological approaches and techniques. Lauren has multiple ongoing coaching clients, some of whom she has worked with for several years, as they are promoted and move organisations. Lauren is also experienced as a team coach, working with intact teams to reduce conflict and increase effectiveness.
Coaching achievements and results
Lauren’s ongoing clients are usually senior or executive leaders who want to keep improving the impact they have on others and keep increasing their self awareness. Using her therapy training, Lauren works with leaders holistically to help them understand the impact they are having and how they can show up differently to achieve better interpersonal and business results. Lauren has worked with multiple teams to help them build trust and a willingness to engage in healthy conflict with each other. She helps them to understand how their functioning as a team is fundamental to the results they achieve in their organisations.
Past Clients
Woodside Energy, INPEX, Alcoa, Rio Tinto, BHP, Allkem, WesCEF, CBH Group, De Grey Mining, Covalent Lithium, Monadelphous, WA Department of Health, Water Corporation, City of Perth, City of Canning, ECU
- Coaching Services
- Qualifications and Memberships
- Recommended Engagement & Price
Leadership or specialist coach: Leadership
Coaching specialties: Executive Leaders, Senior Leadership, Mid Level Leaders, Conflict Management, Emotional Intelligence, Leadership Development, Developing High Performing Teams
Industry experience: Construction, Health Care, Mining & Resources, Government
Assessment tools: PRINT® (Paul Hertz Group), LSI/GSI (Human Synergistics), Genos Emotional Intelligence Inventory (Genos International), Team Management Profile (Team Mangement Systems)
Delivery method: Virtually, Face to Face
Individual or group: Both
Tertiary Qualifications
- Graduate: Company Director Course: Australian Institute of Company Directors
- Master of Psychology (Counselling Psychology): Curtin University of Technology
- Bachelor of Psychology (Graduate): Curtin University of Technology
- Bachelor of Science (Psychology): Curtin University of Technology
Coaching Qualifications and Professional Memberships
- Registered Psychologist: Psychology Board of Australia
- Certified Speaking Professional (CSP): Professional Speakers Australia
- Associate Fellow Australian Institute of Management (AFAIM): AIM WA
Recommended Engagement
- 4 sessions x 1 hour delivered monthly
- From $440p/h