Expert Articles

Feb 27
Successful Mergers: 3 Focus Areas for Leaders Who Succeed

Successful Mergers:  3 Focus Areas For Leaders Who Succeed Leading mergers can be…

Feb 27
Presentation Tears – 6 BIG presentation mistakes

Ever had presentation tears? Tears you shed for that awful presentation that…

Feb 17
The 4 Keys to Building Resilience: Key #2 – Get moving and set some goals

In my introduction to “The 4 Keys to building Resilience”, I mentioned that the keys…

Feb 17
Using Design Thinking to Increase Sales

Design Thinking (DT) is the latest management buzzword, a thinking framework that…

Feb 17
You Fall to the Level of Your Training

This article started with a podcast I recorded the other day.. Then my thinking went…

Feb 03
Who is in control of your life?

Managing priorities and establishing your personal vision  – How are you going?…

Jan 28
Why teams must bond before they can build

Team building can bring out the best or the worst in a team. Have you ever sat back…

Jan 23
What is the cost to your business when you ignore conflict?

What is the cost to your business when you ignore conflict? Conflict gets a bad rap…

Jan 17
The 4 Key Components of Quality Learning Materials

This new online learning explosion; awesome, isn’t it? The ability to learn anything,…