7 Tips to Help your Employees Stay Well

As workplaces move to remote working to slow the spread COVID – 19 it’s an opportune time to educate your people on ways to practice self-care and stay connected so all team members can continue to work well during this uncertain time.

Here’s 7 tips to help you and your team stay well:


Movement is medicine for your mind, body and spirit. It’s one of the pillars to a healthy life, it improves cardiovascular health, helps to reduce stress, lowers blood pressure and protects you from a variety of diseases.

Getting outside to enjoy a walk-in nature is a wonderful form of moderate exercise, research has shown it improves your concentration and mood and can be helpful in managing stress and anxiety. Aim for at least 30 minutes at a brisk pace. If you’re quarantined there are a range of great home workouts available online for free and if you’re unwell – rest.


Hippocrates said, “let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food” Research has consistently linked healthy eating with supporting a healthy immune system. Enjoy eating a range of whole, real, nutrient dense foods and less processed foods (including foods from a packet). Whole food choices include fresh fruit & vegetables, nuts, fish, grass fed meats and pastured eggs.


Water is the well of life, your body needs water to survive, every cell, tissue and organ in your body needs water to function properly. The most efficient way to hydrate is by drinking water. While 6 – 8 glasses is a good guide, everyone’s needs are different, and some people require more. A simple way to check that you’re adequately hydrated is to check your urine. If its colourless or a pale yellow you’re well hydrated, if it’s a dark yellow or amber colour you may be dehydrated.

Sleep and rest

As the Dalai Lama quotes “sleep is the best meditation.” Getting a good night’s sleep is just as important as moving, eating and hydrating well. Research shows poor sleep has a negative impact on your mood, concentration, performance, brain function and hormones. To ensure you get quality sleep:

  • Go to bed at the same time every night and rise at the same time each morning
  • Avoid screen time for at least 30 minutes before bed
  • Avoid alcohol, cigarettes, caffeine and heavy meals in the evening. Aim to have your last coffee around 2pm. You can substitute this with herbal tea or green tea which is still caffeinated but has approximate a third less caffeine.
  • Create a soothing bedtime routine some ideas include; take a shower or bath, dim the lights, diffuse essential oils, read a book

Stress less

Stress decreases your immunity system, scientific research has proven that regular practice in meditation has a profound impact on your physical, emotional and mental health. After participating in a mindfulness and meditation practice many people experience less stress, reduced anxiety, improved sleep and concentration plus experience more joy and fulfilment.

Be mindful

Mindfulness is the practice of paying attention to the present moment, our thoughts are usually in the past or the future, this can cause unnecessary stress and anxiety. Making a conscious effort to be in the present moment takes practice but the results are transformative, during this time of uncertainly it’s a wonderful tool to have in your toolbox.

Some mindfulness activities include:

  • Bringing your awareness to your breathing, your body, your feelings, thoughts and emotions in an observing and non-judgemental way
  • Body scan – this can be done sitting, standing or lying down and becoming aware of your body in space, sensations, sounds and smells around you
  • Whole body listening with no judgement, no agenda to jump in and speak – just listen
  • Being aware of your moods, actions and words and the impact they can have on those around you

Stay connected

Stay connected with your people and ensure your people stay connected as workplaces transition to new way of working

  • Appoint a leader to support staff who are working remotely
  • Have managers catch up with each team member at least once per day for an informal chat and check-in
  • Have online team huddles to talk about how the team is going and ways you can best support them and each other
  • Set up a virtual wellness challenge
  • Have a wellness tree of activities, resources and links for your team members
  • Consider having your leaders trained in mental health first aid
  • Compassion, empathy and kindness are essential skills to have at any time. During this challenging period these skills are needed more than ever. Role model this and empower your people to do the same.

Remember we’re all in this together and this too, shall pass

Rebecca Hannan
Workplace Wellness Expert

If you are interested in learning more about Rebecca and her workshops on Essemy, please visit this link.