Expert Articles

May 08
Echo Chambers: What are they and why we should be aware of them.

When we hear “diversity”, we often think of how people look, but “thought…

Apr 28
Three Considerations for your Transition to Fit for the Future Learning

I have been thinking about the impacts of the virus on businesses, and more…

Apr 24
Three Team Fundamentals To Keep Remote Teams Close

We’ve been in ‘lockdown’ for a few weeks now in varying degrees depending where you…

Apr 24
Converting your face to face content into successful online learning

If you’re an organisation, practitioner or a subject matter expert in your field,…

Apr 24
5 Ideas to Be Inspired, Maintain Passion and Gain Knowledge for Success in Lockdown

Not exceptionally long ago there was a man who was incarcerated into a brutal prison…

Apr 21
Creating an Online Team Workshop that actually WORKS!

Whether you like it or not nearly all team sessions are now online. And right now is…

Apr 19
Leading on the Frontline

Consider this a war, a war of survival, the full impacts of this current crisis are…

Apr 08
Why Start Virtual Dreaming – Today: Now is the Hour for Business Resilience and Growth Investment

As I sit here at my desk in my home office, I have several thoughts going through my…

Apr 08
Extraordinary Times

We are living in extraordinary times. A once in a century event. I have been talking…