Expert Articles

Mar 17
Gender, psychology and leadership

This month we switch to gender and leadership in the third of our series of eight…

Feb 04
Effective leadership and the group

In the second of a series of 8 articles Dr Trevor Simper reviews the key aspects of…

Jan 12
5 Reasons why sexual harassment is a problem in the resources sector

Why is sexual harassment happening on mining sites? What can your organisation do…

Jan 04
What is your Leadership Style?

What is it that makes a good leader? And what is the difference between managing and…

Dec 08
3 Steps to a Strong ‘Brand Culture’ at your Organisation

When I ask individuals across all levels of an organisation, ‘What does the company…

Nov 02
The Role of the Team Leader in a Workshop: Do’s and Don’ts

“As Team Leader, what is my role during a facilitated workshop for my team?” You’ve…

Oct 26
Building a Culture of Continuous Improvement: Lean Training in Perth

We have had over 15 years’ experience in working with organisations on Lean Training…

Oct 05
Getting Inclusion in the Workplace to Move off the Starting Block

Diversity and Inclusion simplified The Rubik’s Cube was a challenge to solve,…

Sep 28
Who decides who is an ‘Expert’ ?

Although I have immersed myself in powerful presenting for over 30 years, I recently…