Training Videos

Use Essemy video production specialists to take your static training material to the next level to be impactful and more accessible assets for your people.

There are many benefits to including video within an enterprise training program:

  • Scale your training more easily across multiple regions and to remote locations
  • Provide greater convenience to participants by creating ‘on-demand’ assets
  • Ensure greater consistency to your material with less dependency on presenters
  • Immerse participants in live situations and environments to reinforce training
  • Create short videos to compliment larger training initiatives and reinforce key messaging, that can be on demand through an LMS

Work with us to customise a solution

Get the most out of Essemy. If you want to get the best solution for your people, we can help you build a customised program aligned to the learning needs of your organisation.

The Essemy team are learning and development professionals and have personally qualified every expert on the platform to get to know their unique offering and skills.

Get in touch with us today to chat about how we might be able to support you.

Essemy Experts

Some of our clients

We chose Essemy due to the wide selection of highly professional, respected practitioners. The option to choose a consultant based on their merits and offerings gave us unique insight towards our expected outcome - which is central to our needs. We have been most impressed by the method by which Essemy and their people have been in assisting us and matching our brief.
Australia Post
The experts at Essemy have customized a series of programs and meetings to help me personally develop as a business owner and have provided a clear map to business expansion. I feel completely comfortable and have more confidence moving in to the future after having met with Dan Batey, Guy Sanders, Alex Paizes and Amy Miocevich.
Charter Plumbing

What's next?

1. Complete the form below

2. We call you to schedule an appointment

3. We work with you to understand your needs

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